Uniting to stop the foe

Published 7:28 pm Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Members of the Kenbridge and Victoria communities and Lunenburg County at large gathered at the Lunenburg County Courthouse on Oct. 16 for a very worthy purpose. The gathering was a vigil held to honor victims of domestic violence. Support and resources were also offered at the event for victims and survivors.

We recognize there are different adversaries in life that a startling number of people face. When considering examples, illnesses, like cancer, come to mind.

In a strange but compelling way, things like this can serve to unite us because they remind us that many people are facing the same adversary, and that we should come together in the fight to stop the foe.

Domestic violence is one of those foes.

Noting that a majority of abuse incidents go unreported, Victoria Mayor Carol Watson pointed out that unfortunately, domestic violence happens everywhere and includes all ages, races and genders.

Helping facilitate the vigil was the Tri-County Action Agency (TCAA), which offers advocacy and resources for victims of domestic and sexual violence in Halifax, Mecklenburg, Charlotte and Lunenburg counties.

During the event, Agency Director of Emergency Services Kim Carson said that a woman is beaten or assaulted in the U.S. every nine seconds, one in seven men have experienced domestic violence and domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the U.S., more than vehicle accidents, muggings and rapes combined.

The TCAA began offering services to Lunenburg in July 2016, has helped 19 people in the county so far, and like Watson said at the vigil, we are glad to have this resource in the county, aiding in the fight to stop the foe.