Job Creation Is the Solution

Published 7:30 pm Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reinvigorating our economy requires cooperation at every level of government. We must take steps to be more competitive with our neighboring states. We consistently rank behind North Carolina and Tennessee as business-friendly states. That’s unacceptable.

We need to look ahead and create an environment that is more attractive to small businesses – our most dynamic job creators. In order to foster this environment, we need to elect a governor who will prepare Virginia for sustainable economic growth. We need greater focus on encouraging small businesses to start and expand.

Our Commonwealth is blessed with dedicated community leaders who have worked tirelessly to create opportunities. It is now time for the state to step up to make regulatory reform part of the process to make Virginia more business friendly. We need to do more to create an environment that will attract more start-up businesses while making it easier for the small businesses already here to expand.


Tuesday, Nov. 7, we have the opportunity to elect a governor who will take a comprehensive approach to create more good paying jobs. Without strong leadership, Virginia will continue to lag behind, and Southern Virginia will continue to be among the hardest hit regions. With strong, dynamic leadership, before the end of the next governorship we can once again have a bright future for the region. This is why I believe Ed Gillespie is the visionary governor Virginia needs.

Ed Gillespie believes Virginia can and should return to the top state for economic growth and job creation. He is laser-focused on getting Virginia growing again. He shares my vision for Virginia – an economy fueled by more focus on small business economic growth.

During the summer, Ed Gillespie put forward the “Removing Barriers to Job Creation for All Virginians” Plan to make Virginia more business friendly. This detailed blueprint will bring meaningful reform to remove barriers to job creation; making it easier for businesses to grow and thrive in the Commonwealth. His plan focuses on standing up for Virginia’s job creators, reforming Virginia’s regulatory climate, reforming occupational licensing, and streamlining business formation.

Ed knows that government doesn’t create jobs; that this is the role of the private sector. However, government can act to assist the private sector. We often hear from people who tell us firsthand that onerous regulations have prevented them from growing their business and hiring more employees. It’s frustrating to know that they could hire neighbors, but their hands are tied by bureaucratic red tape.

The “Removing Barriers to Job Creation for ALL Virginians” Plan isn’t the first policy proposal Ed has put forward to ease burdens on small businesses. In March, he released his plan to cut individual income tax rates by ten percent across the board. That’s a tax cut for every Virginian, no matter their income or city or county.

This would have tremendous benefits for small businesses across the Commonwealth because most Virginia businesses pay taxes through the individual income tax code as S corporations and LLCs. A business that could reinvest ten percent more of its own money back into expanding and creating jobs has the potential to boost the economy significantly.

Ed Gillespie will be a governor focused on spurring job creation all across Virginia, including Southern Virginia. We need his enthusiasm for a strong economy working for us.

Frank Ruff represents Lunenburg in the state Senate. His email address is