Compassion and giving of oneself

Published 10:50 am Wednesday, November 1, 2017

As a member of society giving back to ones’ community is a duty we should all willingly and with gladness in our hearts take part in. In the Oct. 25 edition we shared with you two fine examples of young people in the community stepping up to the plate to give back to those in our community.

First were members of CHS Cares, which is comprised of young people at Central Lunenburg High School. These students sold concessions at the Parrish Pumpkin Patch to help raise money for Christmas Angels. According to Sharon Bolan, one of the organizers of CHS Cares, Christmas Angels are children who are in need and are assisted through the Salvation Army.

The second is the many young people who volunteered their time in support of the fourth annual Teresa Mathews Memorial 5K and Auction, held at Victoria Park Saturday, Oct. 21. Mathews died of cancer in August 2014 and funds raised go to support her family. This caring and compassion for members of the community strengthens the bonds we have between us and builds a better community.

It is commendable when young people in the community give of themselves, their time and energy, to help others in need. Thank you for your service. A hearty thank you also goes out to the parents, leaders and teachers of these young people for you are teaching them how to be good citizens and neighbors. So often you don’t hear about the good things our youth are doing today. It warms this mothers heart to hear that compassion and giving are not only alive and well in our community but growing and thriving.

Betty Ramsey is the publisher of The K-V Dispatch. Her email address is