Water main extended

Published 10:24 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Rodney Newton

Members of the Victoria Town Council approved a water main extension during the council’s Jan. 9 meeting.

“The extension is to provide service to a residence that is not currently serviced by municipal water,” Victoria Town Manager Rodney Newton said about the decision in an email. “The extension will be constructed by town forces.”

The water main extension, according to a meeting agenda, stretches from Lee Avenue and travels west through a nearby alleyway, about 400 feet, the agenda cited.

When asked about how the expenses for the extension will be covered, Newton said, “It’s a shared expense.”

“The town has an ordinance that deals with the construction of water lines, and there’s a formula that’s used to come up with a deposit that has to be made by the citizens along with revenues from the town,” Newton said.