Registration underway for LGS spring season

Published 10:46 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Registration for the Lunenburg Girls’ Softball (LGS) 2018 spring season is underway, with in-person sign-up dates set in February.

LGS will be holding sign-ups at the Big T in Kenbridge on Feb. 3 and 10 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The final registration date will be Feb. 24 starting at 9 a.m. at Bolter Field at 129 N. Maple St. in Kenbridge.

In an email, Tim Fowler wrote that the Feb. 24 date “will also be a work day, so come out and lend a hand. We will be working on getting the park ready for the season.”

Fowler sent the email from the following address:

“As you may have noticed, LGS has a new email address,” he wrote. “Make sure you add it to your contacts so emails don’t end up in the Spam folder. We are in the process of updating our email listing. … If you know of someone who would like to be added to our list, have them send an email to us, and we will add them to our list.

For more information, visit the updated LGS website at www.

“Visit the site to download registration forms and to get important information and dates,” Fowler wrote.

Earlier in the email, he noted that registration forms may also be mailed to the address at the bottom of the form.

He also indicated that the registration fee could be reduced over time.

“You can get some or all of your money back by working in the concession stand,” he wrote.