Always leave in good standing

Published 10:43 am Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sunday morning I was in the backyard on my granddaughter’s patio gazing into the sky and thanking Jesus for His grace and mercy. My daughter Jewel approached me with a cup of coffee in her hand. She said, “Mom, why do you look so serious?” I said I was thanking Jesus for great health, a great family and a great life.

Last year this time I was recovering from my cancer operation. It was a long, hard road but God and my family stood with me all the way. It gave me strength to continue even when things looked difficult.

Later, two of my great grandchildren came outside, they are my sunshine. The five year old sat on my lap and the ten year old sat on her mother’s chair. The five year old put his arm around my neck, hugged me tight and said, “GG we don’t want you to go, stay here with us.” My heart filled with joy knowing how much he loved me. As much as I hate to say it, I told him I have to go home to see my other grandchildren. With the cutest expression he said, “why can’t they come here and then you won’t have to leave.” I smiled from ear to ear.

I’ve been to Florida twice this year, and I’m looking forward to returning in August. It’s a great feeling to be asked to stay and return. As my mom use to always say, don’t burn your bridges behind you; always leave in good standing.

I am leaving Florida tomorrow just in time for my granddaughters wedding on Saturday. After that I will return to Delaware where my grandson will have a 35th birthday celebration. All of this reminds me of the Mighty Clouds of Joy song, “We are blessed!” I truly have to say that I am blessed. Last year this time, I was in great pain. And today I have the tiger by the tail and I’m swinging hard and fast.

Jeremiah 33:3

Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thy knowest not. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons can be reached at