A prayer for teachers
Published 8:16 am Sunday, August 25, 2019
A new teacher, trying to make use of her psychology courses, started her class by saying, “Everyone who thinks they’re an idiot, please stand up.” After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up. The teacher was shocked and asked, “Do you really think you’re an idiot, Johnny?” “No ma’am,” he said, “but I hate to see you standing up all by yourself.”
By the time this is read, Southside Virginia schools will be back in session. There are plenty of days ahead where our teachers, faculty, staff, administrators and leaders will all feel like idiots — and will have to deal with a few as well. Ragtime music composer, Scott Hayden, said, “Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners and the love of bringing the first two loves together.”
No one enjoys stress and hardships. Imagine being in a classroom with 20 or more children who all want things their own way, being full of energy, hungry, probably needing a nap, cranky, sick, needing a bathroom break and crying while being led by an overstressed, overworked teacher — who is hungry, probably needing a nap, cranky, sick, needing a bathroom break and crying inside. Imagine being the one answering the phone call from a disgruntled parent or seeing that angered caregiver come into the office and begin cussing/fussing at a person who has nothing to do with their situation. Put yourself in the place of an administrator who is striving to make decisions best for all while staying under a non-existing budget and rules given which are almost impossible to convey to those around them. Now work alongside the janitorial staff and maintenance department being sent in 50 different directions at the same time to handle items the one making the request could easily handle themselves. Shew. Tired yet?
Pray for this school year. Pray caregivers take responsibility for their students. Pray for open communication between school and home. Pray teachers are provided with what is needed (teachers: if there is a need, contact me.) Pray administrators lead beside teachers instead of dictating. Before getting angry at a teacher for a bad grade, make sure the student is doing the work and following directions. Pray for our students to be the good needed. Pray they don’t bully. Pray they seek counseling for mental and emotional needs. Pray they get help when help is needed. Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Lord, may this year be the best one yet.
Please provide Your Luke 6:38 style blessings over our faculty, staff, students and administrators. May those who claim You, shine brighter than ever that those who do not, may come to know You. Through Jesus we plead, amen.
Rev. J. Cameron Bailey is pastor at Kenbridge Christian Church. He can be reached at www.kenbridgechristian. com.