A Box of Love: Our children are listening to us

Published 3:41 pm Friday, July 12, 2024

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“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14.

This is a text to my phone from Melvin Hannah: He labeled it as “No Subject”.

Hi Family,

I started to write this message just to kids, but as I thought more about it. I realized it’s something we can all reflect on.

Lita and I were taking a walk this morning, and we saw the same type of plant we have in our bathroom. The only difference was that the one in our bathroom is smaller and will not get much larger, while the one we saw in the neighbor’s yard was HUGE. Seeing the same plants at two completely different sizes really got me thinking.

The only reason the plant in our bathroom will never grow to its potential is because it is in a small pot, limiting its growth. Unlike the plant outdoors, where the roots can grow without limits, the plant in our bathroom is confined.

I say all this to highlight that we limit our potentials by the thoughts we carry, the people we surround ourselves with, our fears, egos, and most importantly, ourselves. I want you all to think about it. The only reason this plant won’t ever become a tree is because of its pot.

This is a reminder that we should not let anything limit our potential. Just like the plant, we need space to grow. We must nurture our minds with positive thoughts, surround ourselves with supportive and inspiring people, and let go of our fears and egos. By doing this, we can reach our full potential and achieve greatness.

As we progress, let’s support each other in breaking free from limitations. Encourage each other to dream big and pursue those dreams without fear. Remember, our growth is only limited by the constraints we place on ourselves.

I am so grateful for each one of you and the love we share. Let’s continue to grow together, support one another, and strive to be the best versions of ourselves. We are stronger together, and there is no limit to what we can achieve.

With love,


My oldest grandson, Mel, sent this letter to our family on Facebook. He said everything I would have said and more. I thank Jesus for using him.

“Our children are listening to us.”

Be blessed in Jesus’ name.

Mary Simmons is a columnist for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at aboxoflove37@gmail.com.