February is School Board Appreciation Month

Published 11:48 am Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lunenburg County Public Schools is joining 133 school divisions throughout the state to celebrate School Board Appreciation Month in February.

“Almost 850 elected and appointed school board members throughout Virginia will be recognized by schools and communities for their service and dedication to public education,” school officials said in a press release.

The theme of this year’s celebration, “Lead to Inspire,” reflects the top priority of school board members as they advocate for public education with local, state and federal leaders, noted the release.

“The foundation of school leadership is ensuring equal learning opportunities for all students,” said Charles Berkley, division superintendent. “We’re proud of our division, and School Board Appreciation Month is the time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our elected trustees.”

“In Lunenburg County, school board members must develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues impacting the entire community. They bear responsibility for an annual budget of more than $17 million, 1,553 students, 279 employees and five buildings.”

“School board members statewide make decisions that affect 1.3 million Virginia children and more than $3 billion,” noted Berkley. “They preserve the core of our democracy — public education.”

“Too often we neglect to recognize the dedication and hard work of these men and women who represent us,” officials said in the release. “We invite you to recognize and celebrate the work of your school board. Invite them out for coffee. Ask how you might help support your local neighborhood schools. Write your school board members a thank-you note. Let them know you appreciate what they do for students in Lunenburg County.”

Lunenburg County School Board members include Barry Carnes, Kathy Coffee, Ada Whitehead, Doug Aubel, Beverly Hawthorne, Elizabeth Williams and Amy McClure.