The imagery of bravery

Published 9:24 am Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Remembering the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 on the U.S. can be a harrowing experience in itself. Remembering the imagery of two rouge airplanes barreling into the Twin Towers in New York City, seeing people run for their lives as the structures collapsed, along with the horrific events in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, remind of us sadness and a dark time for America. Other imagery, such as the art pictured above created by Central High School students and staff on the 10th anniversary of the attacks, allow us to reflect on the bravery, service and dedication that first responders portrayed in saving lives that day, and the pride of America that swelled following the incidents. Pictured is a smaller version of the posters made by staff and students at Central High School in 2011. (Send us a “Pic Me Up” with names and information to