Public access taken seriously

Published 10:51 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The 2018 General Assembly session has officially gaveled in. This year being an even-numbered year will be a long session, which will last for 60 days. We will tackle important issues such as health care, the opioid crisis and the teacher shortage across Virginia. The election cycle may have lasted longer than anyone expected, but there is a lot of work to get done, and that work began this week. House Republicans have laid out the “Practical Solutions to Everyday Issues” agenda, prioritizing the real problems people talk about at home.

The House was officially gaveled into session Wednesday, Jan. 10, at noon. I was honored to vote for my friend, Republican Delegate Kirk Cox, to be elected as the 55th Speaker of the House. Speaker Cox set a clear tone for the 2018 Session, pledging to focus on governing, work across the aisle and lead with character and integrity.

I, along with my Republican colleagues, passed a rules package that expands the existing rule on proportional representation and required the House to utilize electronic voting equipment to record votes in committee and subcommittee. The House will also livestream all committee meetings as announced in 2017. The House unanimously approved these changes. I take public access to the legislative proceedings seriously.

My legislative aide, Nancy, and I are back in Richmond for the 2018 General Assembly Session, and I encourage you to keep in touch with me and my office over the coming months. I value the feedback you provide on a continual basis as it helps me do a better job of representing you and others in the 61st District.

If you are in Richmond, feel free to stop by and see us in Room 411 in the Pocahontas Building on Main Street.

Del. Tommy Wright can be reached via email at DelTWright@house. or (804) 698-1061.