Comfort Zones: The crossroads of urban and rural

Published 12:16 pm Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What do Southside Virginia and urban Chicago have in common? On first thought perhaps, not much. However, Jason Shaiman, Curator at Miami University Art Museum in Oxford, Ohio, recognized fundamental elements explored by both Virginia (Lunenburg County) painter Eldridge Bagley and Chicago-based artist Mary Phelan. As a result, he has brought the work of the two artists together for the museum’s exhibit “Comfort Zones: The Crossroads of Urban and Rural.”

Phelan’s work depicts a busy urban environment with tall buildings, crowded streets and bustling city life. In contrast, Bagley’s work presents a more tranquil way of life, focusing on aspects of family and community life typically found in the countryside and small towns around Southside Virginia.

“Comfort Zones” opened at the Miami University Art Museum Aug. 28 and will remain on view through Dec. 15. For more information, visit the museum website at 18fall-comfortzones/ index.html.