Dispatch Church and Community Calendar: week of Aug. 21

Published 10:00 am Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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The Church and Community Events calendar is published each Wednesday. Items must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. Monday for that Wednesday’s calendar. Email events to CommunityCalendar@KVDispatch.com.

AUGUST 19 – 23

REVIVAL — Saint Matthew’s Baptist Church, located at 219 N. Broad Street in Kenbridge, will celebrate hold revival services from Monday, Aug. 19 through Friday, Aug. 23. Services start at 7 p.m. nightly with prayer and praise. Rev. Sharon Baskerville, Pastor of Bloom Hill Baptist Church in South Hill, will be the evangelist for the week.

AUGUST 21 – 23

REVIVAL — Springfield Baptist Church, located at 1784 Springfield Road in Meherrin, will hold revival services Aug. 21 through Aug. 23. Prayer and praise service starts at 7 p.m., with worship happening at 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday, Aug. 21, Rev. Barbara Reed from Levi Baptist Church in Green Bay will preach, followed on Thursday by Rev. Dr. Kevin Northam from Olive Branch Baptist Church in Dinwiddie and finally Rev. Robert Waker from Forest Baptist Church in Meherrin on Friday. Masking and social distancing is not required. You can join by phone at 1-301-715-8592, then just enter ID 547-745-4723 and the passcode of 23954.


FARMERS MARKET OPEN — The Kenbridge Farmers Market is open now for the 2024 season, running from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, Aug. 24. The market is held on East Fifth Avenue, just across from the Kenbridge Recreation Center.


MORNING WORSHIP — Victoria Baptist Church, located at 1423 8th Street in Victoria, will hold worship services on Sunday, Aug. 25, with Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m. Pastor Tom will continue his sermon series entitled “Filling Your Cup”. The sermon will be titled “Share It Like There Is No Tomorrow.”


FISH AND SHRIMP FEST — Palmer Springs Volunteer Fire Department’s Catfish and Shrimp Fest fundraiser will be Friday, Aug. 30 from 5 to 7 p.m. You have drive thru or dine in options for fried catfish, fried shrimp, with baked beans, cole slaw, hush puppies, dessert and water for $18 a plate. Dinners are available by preorder only, which must be placed by Aug. 23 by calling 434-689-2661 or 434-689-2631 before 10 p.m. daily. The Palmer Springs Fire Department’s Firehouse is located at 1697 Palmer Springs Road.


FARMERS MARKET OPEN — The Kenbridge Farmers Market is open now for the 2024 season, running from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, Aug. 31. The market is held on East Fifth Avenue, just across from the Kenbridge Recreation Center.


WOMEN IN RED — Gilfield Baptist Church in Kenbridge will hold a program called One Hundred Women in Red on Sunday, Sept. 1, beginning at 3 p.m. Rev. Loretta Bailey of Farmville will be the guest preacher, with music by the Jones Mockingbirds of South Hill.


WIDOWER’S MITE — The Widow(er)’s Mite Group will meet on Saturday, Sept. 7 for lunch at Marino’s in Victoria, beginning at noon. All widows and widowers are welcome.


PASTORAL ANNIVERSARY — Mt. Gazerine Baptist Church, located at 3606 Kenbridge Road in Blackstone will celebrate the 15th pastoral anniversary of Rev. Dr. Irene B. Allen on Sunday, Sept. 8. The event will begin at 3 p.m., with Rev. Waverly Brown, pastor of Rosebud Baptist Church in Kenbridge delivering the message. The First Nottoway Baptist Church will provide the music. Mt. Gazerine would like to have members of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority be at the service, in honor of Dr. Allen being a 50-year member of the sorority.


BINGO — The Kenbridge Recreation Center will host Bingo on Saturday, Sept. 14. Doors open at 3 p.m., with games starting at 4 p.m. There will be cash prizes and raffles, with tickets going for $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Proceeds go to help fund renovations of the Center’s gym. Tickets are available weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Kenbridge Town Office.

FALL STEW — Sacred Heart Catholic Church, located at 2597 Bruceville Road in Meherrin, will hold its annual fall stew on Saturday, Sept. 14, beginning at 1 p.m. A Brunswick-style chicken stew will be sold by the bowl or quart for $10. Qualities will be limited, so it will be first come, first serve.


NAACP BRUNCH — The Lunenburg County branch of the NAACP will have a brunch on Saturday, Sept. 28. The event begins at 11:30 a.m. and will be held at The Peoples Community Center, located at 1021 Tidewater Avenue in Victoria. Rev. Cozy Bailey, the Virginia State Conference President of the NAACP, will be the guest speaker. For ticket information, call President Mary Ingram at 434-676-3122 or email lcnaacp.office@gmail.com.