Tommy Wright: It’s time for the Democratic Convention

Published 12:00 pm Friday, August 23, 2024

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The Democratic National Convention kicks off this week in Chicago. Aside from the history — which is likely to repeat itself — of Democratic conventions in Chicago, we’re also likely to get our first real taste of Vice President Harris’ economic plans.

If you’ve been watching Venezuela for the past decade, you’ve got a pretty good idea of what Team Harris has planned for the economy.

Last week she proposed a federal ban on “price gouging” by grocery stores and other businesses hard-hit by inflation. To be clear, price gouging is charging $20 for a gallon of gas in the days before a hurricane — not passing through an extra $1 of costs to consumers for staples like peanut butter.

Virginia Democrats have often echoed this talking point when confronted with the reality of what their policies do to prices. Harris’ plan would effectively create Federal price controls, letting officials in Washington determine how much food should cost in Virginia, California, and every state in the union.

We’ve seen this before in Venezuela and the Soviet Union. When prices are controlled by fiat, shortages always follow.

Even liberal media outlets like the Washington Post have noted how bad this idea is. Harris’ other big idea is to give first time home buyers $25,000 for a down payment. If you scrimped and saved to come up with your own down payment? Sorry, you were a sucker.

Worse, free down payments will only increase demand without increasing supply — driving prices up even higher. Thus far, the Harris campaign is fond of bad ideas. Virginians can’t afford any of them.


Last week the Board of Education finished their model policy for cell phones in schools. It’s simple: from opening bell to closing bell, no phones. Period.

Teachers are already applauding the move, as it removes one more distraction and keeps kids ‘in the moment’ at school — and off social media. This policy is common sense. Yet Democrats killed legislation this session which would have done the very same thing.

Governor Youngkin’s effort to ban cell phones in the classroom is getting rave reviews from teachers. Democrats killed legislation that would have done the same thing this year.

Last week, Governor Youngkin issued Executive Order 36 formalizing his efforts to reduce criminal recidivism in Virginia.


The Stand Tall – Stay Strong – Succeed Together Initiative (Stand Tall Initiative) is a first-in-the-nation proactive, dynamic, data-driven and comprehensive across-government approach to support reentry success and prevent recidivism.

More than half of the people currently in our prisons and jails have previously been incarcerated. Every reentry failure claims another crime victim and another wasted opportunity for a Virginian to reach their full potential.

An effective reentry approach is a critical component of the Commonwealth’s public safety strategy. Stand Tall was formalized this week, but has been getting results since April 2023:

• 3,100 more returning citizens gained employment

• 7,100 more enrolled in healthcare

• 5,500 more have appropriate supervision levels

• Absconding down by 600 (the first decline in 12 years).

Under the main recidivism metric adopted by most states – reincarceration rates of returning citizens within three years of reentry – Virginia’s appears to be second lowest in the nation.

But this metric does not capture people who are reincarcerated after three years or people who are convicted for lower-level felony and misdemeanor convictions.

The program is centered on the creation of a first in the nation, dynamic, proactive approach to supporting reentry success by measuring and acting on six key reentry success metrics:

• gainful employment.

• stable housing.

• healthcare insurance coverage.

• appropriate supervision levels.

• necessary mental health treatment; necessary substance abuse treatment.

In just under a year and a half, Stand Tall has achieved significant improvements in probation outcomes through strategic utilization of state-wide resources without any increases in funding.

Del. Tommy Wright can be reached via email at or (804) 698-1061.