Unpaid bill fees added

Published 8:30 am Friday, August 23, 2024

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If you forget to pay your utility bill in the Town of Victoria, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is, thanks to changes this year by the General Assembly, your power won’t be shut off immediately. The bad news is that in addition to the bill itself, you’ll be facing some fines the longer you wait to pay.

“The Code of Virginia has extended the time an account can be delinquent,” Victoria officials said in a statement to media. “Residential customers will not be discontinued until 45 days past due and if the weather is under 92 degrees.” But as we mentioned, in Victoria that extension comes with some fees. If your bill is not paid by the due date listed on it, you’ll be assessed a 10% penalty. To be clear, that’s an additional 10% added to the bill. If you don’t pay it by the 25th of the same month, you’ll get another $20 added to it as a late fee. If you still haven’t paid it off by the sixth day of the following month, another 10% penalty will be added. Yet another 10% late fee will be added if that bill’s not paid by the 20th of the following month.

So if you don’t pay your August bill in full and it’s still unpaid by Aug. 25, that’s $20 added. If it’s still not paid by Sept. 6, that’s another 10% added. And if it’s still not been paid by Sept. 20, that’s yet another 10% added.

And if you still haven’t paid it 45 days out from the due date, then the town will disconnect your service. In order to get it restored at that point, you would need to pay both the oldest outstanding bill in full and any associated fees and interest. The goal here, town officials say, is to try and motivate people to pay their bills on time.