A ‘thank you’ letter

Published 1:15 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Being sports editor for Farmville Newsmedia means that I am charged with keeping track of the athletics teams of seven different secondary schools in addition to some middle school activities and two colleges. The secondary schools include Central High School, Kenston Forest School, Randolph-Henry High School, Buckingham County High School, Cumberland County High School, Prince Edward County High School and Fuqua School.

Understandably, the job does not get done without some help from others. During football season alone, there are seven varsity teams to account for. In some cases, I am able to start at one game and end up at another, getting photos at two games. But when the Chargers play at home, out of those seven schools only Kenston Forest is closer than a 39-minute drive.

So, how do you still frequently end up with photos from games? While I was able to go to a few games, I received significant help from a few volunteers I’d like to highlight in this space.

Joe Moore, who was recently featured in our “Know Your Neighbor” series, generously offers his time to go out to games and take pictures, noting he does it for the kids. This comes amid his duties as a mechanical repairman for West Fraser in North Carolina.

Ellie Richmond, a recent Central graduate, has contributed her time and photography skills on a variety of occasions over the past several years. This fall, she made it out to a couple of games, including the Chargers’ regional semifinal in Naruna, while also managing classwork for nursing school, clinicals and a part-time work schedule.

And though they have many duties at their respective schools, Jean Kunath, at Central, and Patricia Mahaney, at Kenston Forest, offer their time to take and send photos while also deploying student photographers to do so.

I want to thank all of these individuals for their help in letting you know about the athletic accomplishments of young people in the area.

Titus Mohler is sports editor for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. His email address is Titus.Mohler@ KVDispatch.com.