An encouraging meeting

Published 10:53 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Seeing two conditional use permits approved, one for a mail-order gunsmithing business and one for an adult assisted living facility at the Thursday Lunenburg Board of Supervisors meeting was perspective-changing for me in more ways than one.

Both applicants, Ralph Forehand and Timothy Dow, answered questions and concerns from members of the board, and members of the public voiced their support.

Having not hunted or worked in agriculture, it was eye-opening to me to learn about the uses of guns expressed by Patrick Williams, of Lunenburg, who described using guns to protect poultry he raises from outside predators.

Keeping guns protected and making sure guns sold aren’t going into the wrong hands is also valid. Those were concerns addressed by Hound’s Creek and Brown’s Store Supervisors Alvester Edmonds and Mike Hankins.

Forehand said applicants must have criminal background checks and that he will soon receive a certification from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Timothy Dow, who requested a conditional use permit to operate an adult assisted living facility, was also questioned by Meherrin River Supervisor Robert Zava, who asked Dow about the residents’ safety at the facility.

Dow said the facility not only complies with the regulations from the state and federal government but that the facility specializes in caring for veterans. This means offering services, including assistance with administering medicine, food and hygiene to veterans. The facility would also offer resources, including rides to appointments for those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or other psychological struggles.

Having a facility in Lunenburg that offers multiple levels of care — particularly for the elderly and veterans — is such a needed and encouraging action taken by Dow and those employed with the facility.

Seeing members of the board, members of the public and applicants work to meet needs in the area while also addressing concerns is truly commendable and something that left me leaving the meeting more encouraged than when I entered.

Emily Hollingsworth is a staff reporter for The K-V Dispatch and Farmville Newsmedia LLC. Her email address is Emily.Hollingsworth@