Making sure your voice is heard
Published 10:08 am Thursday, February 11, 2016
Recently, we have had many readers email or call saying that they are interested in writing a guest column but need to know what criteria they have to meet.
So, we thought we would give a refresher course on how you can submit your columns to us, and what needs to be included. What you can write about is simple: The subject is entirely up to you.
A guest column is not the opinion of the newspaper. It is your opinion, therefore you can write about what you want the community to know.
Do you wish to tell others about a recipe that you tried out and was just out-of-this-world delicious? Write about it.
Want to comment on things taking place in your community, whether it be an event or board meeting? Tell us in a guest column.
Submitting guest columns to The Dispatch is free.
You won’t be paid, but you will have your voice heard, and that is something we would love to help you with.
To submit a column, you will need to write a column that is 500 words or fewer. You will also need to submit a head-and-shoulders photograph of yourself, something that we can help you with if needed, and you will need to include an email address in case your readers have questions that they would like to ask you.
Not only is being a guest columnist a useful way to share your opinion with others, but it is also a great way to meet people that share you same opinions and to educate others on a topic that they may not have heard about.
After gathering your photgraph, column and contact information, you will just need to email those items to us and include a short bio about yourself.
After all, our readers want to know more about our columnists and perhaps why they are writing about what they have in their column.
Consider being a guest columnist if you haven’t done so before. It is an excellent way to get your opinion out to the community, and it could help you connect with others who have more ideas to help your causes.
All submissions can be emailed to