Lunenburg County Electoral Board looks for new registrar

Published 11:30 am Friday, November 17, 2023

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For the Lunenburg County Electoral Board, the search is on for a new General Registrar, as the current registrar worked her last election on Nov. 7. And it was an involved election to go out on, with 47.5% of voters casting a ballot. That’s 3,841 out of the 8,071 registered.

As of Friday, Nov. 17, all of the election results had been signed off on by the Lunenburg County Electoral Board and sent to the state, which also accepted them. The Virginia Department of Elections confirmed to the Dispatch they had accepted all of the county’s ballots.

Now that it’s over, there’s going to be a change. According to Lunenburg County Electoral Board member Oliver Wright, Parsons will continue in her position until the end of the year, at which time she will retire. 

“We are looking to hire a new Registrar to replace her before then.” Wright said.

Parsons is leaving the position after 27 years with Lunenburg County.

Lunenburg County currently has 11 precincts for 8,000 plus voters.


When it came to last week’s voter turnout, Wright said on election day, 2,598 went to the polls to exercise their right to vote, while 960 citizens took advantage of early voting and 265 voted via mail-in absentee vote.