Good looks to outlaw abortion

Published 8:00 am Friday, July 5, 2024

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On a Thursday where abortion was a topic of the presidential debate, it was also a focus for Virginia’s current 5th District member in the U.S. House. U.S. Rep. Bob Good filed the “Life Act” on June 27, which would outlaw abortion on the federal level.

Specifically, the bill would make it a federal crime for a licensed medical professional who accepts federal funds to perform or prescribe an abortion at any point after fertilization. And to be clear, that covers a long list of federal funds. If a doctor has taken federal funding as part of the Medicaid program, CHIP, Indian Health Service, Veterans Health Administration, TRICARE or Title X, performing an abortion would be a crime.

The bill would also prohibit any federally regulated health plans from covering abortion. This includes employer-sponsored plans regulated under the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA), plans offered under Affordable Care Act and plans for federal employees.

“There are 63 million fewer Americans alive today because of Roe v. Wade. Even after this horrific ruling was overturned, abortion remains the leading killer in America. It has prematurely ended the life of countless doctors, teachers, pastors, and engineers,” Good said in a statement. “Thankfully, the Dobbs decision did overturn Roe, finding there is not a Constitutional right to abortion, and returning the regulation of abortion to the people’s representatives. In a post-Roe America, Congress must legislate to protect life. It is our duty to follow the science that life begins at conception and end abortion so that every American has the chance to live.”

The bill comes just a few days after the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which gave control of the abortion issue back to the states.


There are a couple exemptions built into the bill, however.

Good said in his statement that “the Life Act punishes abortionists, but it protects health care providers acting in good faith to save a woman’s life. It also ensures that ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, and stillbirths can still be appropriately treated.”

It also protects healthcare and treatment for a mother whose life is at risk due to a physical illness. Also, nothing would change for any women seeking contraception. They would still be able to buy birth control. Also, the bill would prevent a mother from being prosecuted for the death of her own child, giving civil remedies in some circumstances.

Multiple groups, including both Concerned Women for America and Students for Life Action, came out over the last few days to endorse the idea.

“Students for Life Action is a proud supporter of the Life Act,” the group said in a statement. “The Life Act is the legislation the whole pro-life movement is ultimately striving for, especially at Students for Life Action, because a humane and civil society takes care of all people, from conception to natural death. We are so proud to have worked with Rep. Good (R-VA) on this piece of strong pro-life legislation, and we will continue to fight to protect every child and mother from the injustice of abortion.”


Meanwhile, it’s about time to get a final answer about Good’s other recent controversy. To date, no one has filed a challenge, calling for an investigation into the District 5 race. As it stands, with all votes counted, Good is losing to challenger and Virginia State Sen. John McGuire. McGuire holds a 31,583 challenge to Good’s 31,209 votes.

Good has raised questions about the vote in Lynchburg, where he won with 58.1% of the vote. Two opponents for one Republican primary for a city council seat have raised concerns. In press releases and social media posts by both city council candidates, there were questions about the Lynchburg ballot drop box, which both city campaigns say was left unlocked and open, with ballots being found inside at noon on Friday and then counted, despite it being three days after the primary.

The campaigns said they also witnessed confusion from electoral board members and staff over the proper process to count votes. One of the city council candidates, Peter Alexander, sent out a statement saying “records show that ballot box seals were broken and absentee ballot processing started before our observer was permitted access to watch the process.”

Now as we mentioned earlier, Good is on the clock. Due to the fact the margin of victory is less than 1%, under Virginia law he is allowed to call for a recount. But in Virginia, there are no automatic recounts. He has to ask for one, but has to do it within 10 days of the election results being certified. Currently, as we mentioned earlier, the results are set to be certified by July 2. If Good files the legal challenge against the Lynchburg votes, then that delays certification. And delays any potential recount. As of press time, no legal challenge had been filed.

Editor’s note: Check our website after July 2 to find out what happened with certification.