We’re a part of the community

Published 1:21 pm Wednesday, November 30, 2016

When tragedy happens in our community, we all feel it. That includes those of us at the Dispatch. We’re a part of the community in which the news we cover happens.

So, when we learned about the remains of a body that might belong to Virginia Edmonds, we, too, were hit with the mixed feelings of relief the story might be coming to an end and sadness at the thought Edmonds couldn’t have been found alive, even after all this time.

In reporting Connie Irby’s death in being struck by a van, we, too, felt sad at the untimely loss and angered something like this could happen. And, yet, we must be sympathetic toward the driver of that van — according to reports, the driver was trying to avoid another vehicle when it struck Irby, one of four pedestrians in the road.

Luckily, being part of the community, we are also gladdened and lifted by other stories we report.

We are proud, for example, of Animal Control Officer Ray Elliott and his “Ruff-N-It” Thanksgiving event, designed to raise funds for the neutering and spaying of pets owned by those who cannot otherwise afford the service.

Upon learning of Victoria Elementary School second grade teacher Kristen DeJarnette’s naming as the school’s “Turkey Queen,” we laughed and then applauded at learning it was because her class brought in the most non-perishable food items during a food drive.

We feel all this with you because we’re a part of this great Lunenburg County community.