Matthews receives LGS scholarship

Published 2:58 pm Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Girls who participate with Lunenburg Girls’ Softball (LGS) not only receive the character-building benefits of playing organized softball, they also have the chance to receive LGS/Tony Matthews Scholarship, which is worth $1,000. The recipient this year, as chosen by the LGS board of officers, was Samantha Matthews.

“I feel the love and support from the community as well as the league,” she said.

Now 18 years old, Samantha is a 14-year veteran of LGS.

Her father, LGS Commissioner Tony Matthews, after whom the scholarship is named, was excited to see the board award it to his daughter this year.

“I am extremely proud of her for what she’s done to get this far, not only in softball but also in her high school career. She was accepted to the nursing program at Longwood, so this is going to be a really big help for her there.”

He also noted that he is proud of his league for giving back to the community.

“I really want to make sure that everybody out there knows that Lunenburg Girls’ Softball has given back to their players,” he said. “This will be the sixth award of a $1,000 scholarship, so the LGS has given back $6,000 to their community.”

He explained that to be a recipient of the scholarship, girls must have been a player with LGS for at least one year. They also must write an essay, giving account of how LGS has helped them in their life, not just in softball, but also in their future endeavors. Lastly, they must explain how the scholarship money could benefit them as they pursue college or further education.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree that Samantha is pursuing will prepare her for a job as a registered nurse.

Reflecting on what she will remember most about her experience as an LGS player, she said, “It’s hard to pick one memory or one specific thing, but I’ve always felt the support from all the people. I have made great friends, and it feels like a family up there.”