Letters to the Editor

Preserving the beauty of Virginia

Dear Editor, Virginia is a lovely place, Victoria has nice people always willing to say “Hello” and really ...

Letters to the Editor

Lunenburg Health Service is a Gift

Dear Editor, To all Lunenburg County residents: As holiday time is on the horizon, and many people are ...

Letters to the Editor

‘Take a hard look at’ funding request

Dear Editor, Here’s hoping our Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors will take a hard look at our school’s ...

Letters to the Editor

She offers resources for LGBT youth

Dear Editor, Spring quickly approaches. As the doldrums of winter melt away, this can be a difficult time ...

Letters to the Editor

‘Thank you … for always being behind me’

Dear Editor: On Saturday I was honored by receiving the Citizen of the Year Award from the Lunenburg ...

Letters to the Editor

Government shouldn’t control families

Dear Editor, I am responding to the article “Control and the election” by Frank Ruff published on Nov. ...

Letters to the Editor

Notice about library not enough notice

Dear Editor: I thought public hearing notices were to be specific in what action is being considered. Stating ...

Letters to the Editor

Thankful for support of schools

Dear Editor: The 90th Annual American Education Week is being celebrated this week. The week is designed to ...

Letters to the Editor

Rites held for Donald Franklin ‘Don’ Price

Donald Franklin “Don” Price, 59, of Kenbridge, died October 31, 2016. He is survived by his wife, Charon ...

Letters to the Editor

Democrats are ‘for the working class’

Dear Editor: Be sure and vote Nov. 8 for the candidate of your choice for president in this ...

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