

Mike Wilson: Yes, granddadding is a word

It’s time to share some more wit and wisdom, from one generation to another. Ok, in other words, ...


Campuses must be safe for everyone

The trend of anti-Israel protests picked up speed last week before running into a brick wall of law ...


Tammy Mulchi: We should work to grow our economy

Next week, we will return to the Capitol to consider a new budget. This was supposed to be ...


Tommy Wright: Let’s talk about some college madness

While it hasn’t received a great deal of press, the Biden administration’s recent change to Title IX guidance ...


Mike Wilson: A conversation about garbage cars

Sorry, this is not about the Yugo or the Gremlin or the Corvair (my first car), but is ...


Tommy Wright: We upheld the governor’s vetoes

The General Assembly completed its Reconvened Session April 17 in which we considered the vetoes and amendments sent ...


Amy Nardini: We as a community need to step up

Sarah Mitchell had a question. She wanted to know what resources were available to victims of domestic violence ...


Editor’s Desk: I have yet to meet the free money fairy

I have yet to meet the free money fairy. I’m told that much like Santa Claus, all it ...


Tommy Wright: Ironing out the wrinkles

Democrats passed a laundry list of bad bills this session, and now Governor Youngkin has issued a laundry ...


Tommy Wright: The news just won’t stop

A reporter said this week, “The news just won’t stop.” It was an eventful week, with developments on ...

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