Book chat returns

The Lunenburg County Historical Society invites the public to attend its second annual “Book Chat” on Sunday, July 23, at 2 p.m. at the Victoria Public Library.

This year’s book is THE DOOLEYS OF RICHMOND by Mary Lynn Bayliss, the true account of a successful Irish immigrant family in Richmond in the years before the American Civil War and the second generation Mr. James H. Dooley, who not only acquired significant wealth after the War, but who married into a Lunenburg family, the Mays.

Mrs. Dooley was Sallie May, born in Lunenburg, the daughter of local physician, Dr. Henry May, who lived at the county’s courthouse. Maymont, the Dooley estate in Richmond, was named for her and carries her maiden name.

Hear the Dooley story presented by LCHS President Steve Israel, who will play the role of James H. Dooley. He will give the audience insights into his family’s history, as well as his life and times with his wife as he built his fortune in Richmond where the couple lived after their marriage.

Both of the county’s public libraries have copies of the book for circulation, but you don’t have to have read the book to benefit from the program.
