The Word: I have anger issues

Rev. J. Cameron BaileyI have anger issues. I have mentioned this in sermons before and folks typically laugh. Now, I realize that most of y’all who read these devotions most likely have never met me. So, allow me to just let you know…if you meet me, I am hardly ever serious.

I joke non-stop. laughter. Yet, I have anger issues. My anger isn’t with people. I can be patient as all get out with folks (to a point. Let’s be real here and just admit how certain folks can test the Jesus in you, am I right?).

No, no…my anger kicks in when dealing with stuff. Trying to change a tire and that lug nut won’t loosen? Yup. Computer locks up? Uh huh. Trying to find something and you have no clue where it is, but you know for a fact where it should be if one of those “kids” or someone else hadn’t taken it and moved it to who knows where and you are about to snap because it ain’t where it should be (only to have your wife locate where you actually left it last)?

It happens all the time. We all have our faults. Mine is inherited, a gift passed down from generations of anger with stuff. I’ve learned that it is much cheaper and easier for me to have folks work on my vehicles, my lawnmowers/tractor, computer, etc. than for me to attempt anything. “No, it’s not”, you might say. Trust me. By the time I beat it, curse it, throw it…I should have simply let someone better trained handle this for me.

I read a statement recently that I love and feel maybe you need to hear this too: You cannot see your reflection in boiling water.

Read that again if you need. Maybe you need to pass this devotion along to someone else who needs to also hear and adhere to that phrase (Whatever you do, don’t say “hey…you need to do this”. That usually just makes things worse). You cannot see your reflection in boiling water. Once the water calms, clarity arrives. For me, I have to walk away. I have to get away from the frustrations, listen to music, vent a little steam off, calm-the heck-down on my own. Once that happens I can see and think more clearly. And when I’m boiling over, folks can’t see Jesus in me either. Anger is not the sin, ok?

It’s how we act/react in that anger that can cause issues (Ephesians 4:26-27).

Something/someone getting the best of you? Step away. Breath in. Breath out. Find your calm. You can’t see that reflection when you’re boiling over.

Rev. J. Cameron Bailey is pastor of Kenbridge Christian Church. He can be reached at



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