The legacy of the last eight years

Published 10:58 am Wednesday, May 11, 2016

In the course of the last couple of years, we have seen some of the most challenging events in our nation’s history.

We have seen “occupy groups” who have staged protests for no greater purpose than to disrupt the businesses of others. They have occupied shopping malls as well as blocked traffic for commuters trying to get home from work. We have seen strife between police and protesters. We have seen unvetted illegals coming into our country from all over the world.

On the national political scene we have seen nearly two dozen individuals offer themselves to be the presidential candidate of one of the two major political parties.

On the Democrat side, the party is now close to settling on someone who, if she had a different name, would be federally indicted for her mishandling of critical state secrets or for illegal fundraising activities. Her main rival for the party nomination was a senator who had always run as a Socialist rather than a Democrat.

On the Republican side, 17  governors, former governors, senators and from the ranks of medicine and business sought the nomination. Many had distinguished records of service, making them well qualified to serve as president.

This was a record-breaking number of qualified wannabes.

After many debates, those who were more temperate dropped from the race. Thus leaving the playing field to the one individual who has been the most outspoken about the current state of affairs.

The question must be asked, what has occurred that has brought us to this point of rejecting proven leaders and brought about demonstrators from the left and the right?

My belief is that this is the legacy of President Barack Obama.

Frank Ruff, a Republican, represents Lunenburg County in the Virginia Senate. His email address is