Kenston Forest School (KFS) senior, Josiah Briggs, signed a letter of intent on Wednesday,
May 18, with Christopher Newport University (CNU) to continue his football career. CNU is a
NCAA Division III school in Newport News. Josiah earned VISFL Division II Second Team All-
State Defense Lineman and VISFL Division II First Team All-State Offensive Lineman. Josiah
is the son of Scott and Beth Briggs of Boydton. Pictured are, from left, front row: KFS Head
of School Lori Bacon, Josiah Briggs and Scott Briggs. Back row: KFS Athletic Director Joe
Maione, Assistant Football Coaches Kelly Jones and Alex Csorba and Football Head Coach
Joe Kaiser.
Kenston Forest School (KFS) senior, Walker Green, signed a letter of intent on Wednesday,
May 18, with Campbell University to continue her cheering career. Campbell University is an
NCAA Division I school in Buies Creek, North Carolina. Walker earned the UCA All American
Award, KFS Spirit and Leadership Award, and Pin It Forward Award. Walker is the daughter of
Ben and Field Green of Blackstone. Pictured are, from left, front row: KFS Cheer Coach Field
Green, Walker Green, Ben Green and Schuyler Green, sister. Back row: KFS Athletic Director
Joe Maione and KFS Head of School Lori Bacon.
Kenston Forest School (KFS) senior, Ryan Whitehead, signed a letter of intent on Wednesday, May 18, with Southern Virginia University to continue his football career. Southern Virginia
University is a NCAA Division III school in Buena Vista. Ryan earned VISFL Division II First
Team All-State Defensive Line Backer and VISFL Division II First Team All-State Offensive Tight End. Ryan is the son of Kenny and Lisa Whitehead of Crewe. Pictured are, from left, front
row: Chance Whitehead, brother, Kenny Whitehead, Ryan Whitehead and Lisa Whitehead. Back row: KFS Athletic Director Joe Maione, KFS Head of School Lori Bacon and Football Head Coach Joe Kaiser.
Kenston Forest School (KFS) senior, Kendall Thorne, signed a letter of intent on Wednesday,
May 18, with Palmetto Prep to continue his football career. Palmetto Prep Academy is a
Christian post-graduate prep program based out of Columbia, South Carolina. Palmetto Prep
has been in existence since 2011 and was originally founded as ‘Gray Military Academy’.
Kendall earned VISFL Division II First Team All-State Defense Defensive Back and VISFL
Division II First Team All-State Offensive Wide Receiver. Kendall is the son of Sheronda Loney
of N. Chesterfield. Pictured are, from left, front row: Sheronda Loney, Kendall Thorne and
Renee Finch, grandmother. Back row: KFS Athletic Director Joe Maione, Assistant Coach
Alex Csorba, KFS Head of School Lori Bacon, Football Head Coach Joe Kaiser and Assistant
Coach Kelly Jones.