When life throws us a curve
Published 12:26 pm Sunday, September 22, 2019
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Many times in life when we are thrown curves we are asked to make lemonade out of lemons.
Sometimes many curves are thrown our way. There are times we take the wrong path, but when that happens we have to make a choice — do we reverse course or continue on the path we have taken. It’s all how we view life.
There comes a time when changes must be made. One morning you wake up and notice you have been doing the same thing over and over. When did that happen and how long did I let it go on?
So many questions run through your mind. What do I do now? Do I continue as before or do I make changes? Changes take courage — do I have what it takes to stand the test, or will I be defeated? It’s all up to me, go for it! You don’t know exactly where to begin but you know things will never be the same.
Change is what I decided to do with my life. I made big changes, but I still ask myself —do I have what it takes to stand on my own or will I surrender to defeat? Life is not always easy, but I choose to stand knowing that I have all I need, to do what is necessary. Jesus said “that I am strong and courageous” so I took Him at His word.
Psalm 142:1 & 2. I cried unto the Lord with my voice: with my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication.
I poured out my complaint before Him; I shewed before Him my trouble.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Be blessed in Jesus’ name.
Mary Simmons is a columnist for The Kenbridge-Victoria Dispatch. She can be reached at Marysimmons6@hotmail.com.